Category Archives: Happy Endings


Here's the story of Amber, as told by her owners Teresa and Stuart.... (more…)
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Here's the story of Teddy - adopted in the UK - told by his owners Julie & Terry... (more…)
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Here's the story of Lola and how she's settled into a new life in her forever home with Fiona & Graham... (more…)
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We were asked to take Jack by one of our foster homes in Spain. He was found in a terrible state along with his sister Jill. He had been in foster for nearly a year and no one would give him a chance. So we decided to help this lovely boy and bring him to…
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Audrey (Formerly Dama)

Here's the story of Audrey - formerly known as Dama - from her owners Nicola and Steve... Audrey came to us in December 2012, a much longed for dog and it was love at first sight. She settled in beautifully and has been so well behaved right from the beginning. Everyone we meets comments on…
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Tempo is a Podenco Orito and now lives in his forever home with Rebecca Roberts. This is Tempo’s story as told by Rebecca Roberts (August 2012) "In June 2012, we rescued a cheeky young dog named Tempo from SOS Animal UK who had not only changed our lives for the better, but bought a huge…
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Sidney (formerly Wimpy)

Sidney is a Podenco and now lives in his forever home with Laura Cording. This is Sidney’s story as told by Laura Cording (August 2012) "This is our gorgeous Podenco monkey, Sidney (formally Wimpy). We have been told that he managed to escape from the campo and somehow found his way into town where he…
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Reba (formerly Diva)

Reba is an English Pointer Cross and now lives in her forever home with Ann Corcoran. This is Reba’s story as told by Ann Corcoran (August 2012) "Reba is approximately 6-7 months old who was dumped along with her mother and brother. We adopted her on the 4th of August 2012 and as you can…
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Paddy now lives in his forever home with Juliet Henney. This is Paddy’s story as told by Juliet Henney (August 2012) "The first I knew of 'Precious Paddy' was when I saw him in 'Dogs Needing Homes - New Rescues' on Dogpages on 1st September 2011. I clicked on the thread, just being nosy, absolutely…
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